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Adding Link Hover States

To create a hover state for text links, navigate to your Design tab and open the relevant Typography menu (Bodycopy, H1, H2, or Small) and click on the small blue ‘EDIT CSS’ link.

The link selector is denoted by an
at the end of the selector’s name. For example, the Bodycopy link selector looks like this:

[data-predefined-style="true"] bodycopy a {
    color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);

Look for a gray number at the top-right of the selector — clicking this will direct you to the respective line in the CSS Editor. To create a new hover selector,  paste the entire rule and add
just after the
as shown below.

[data-predefined-style="true"] bodycopy a:hover {
    color: rgba(15, 206, 131, 1);

In this example, the
property will change on hover.