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Search Engine Optimization

Search Engines evaluate the contents and relevancy of your website to determine how to deliver results. For example, if you have a common name that yields many results, it will be difficult (but not impossible) to improve your rank (how high your listing appears in the results). Getting your website listed on Google takes some time, but if you follow these steps it should happen fairly quickly, as well as improve your rank.

1. Finish building your Cargo Site
That seems obvious, but if Google “crawls” your Site before you’re finished, outdated content might show up in the results, and this is sometimes difficult to change or update. Hold off on the following steps until you’re mostly satisfied with your contents.

2. Use a personal domain
Using a personal domain will rank you higher than when you use your Cargo URL. Beware of using frameset redirection/masking instead of DNS Zone records. It is possible that framesets will prevent your site from being indexed at all.

3. Make others aware of your Site
Social networks play a large role in making your website more visible. If you’re active on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or any other social networking site, list your Site where appropriate. Use the Social Sharing menu inside your Cargo Admin to choose an image and description for when others view your site on their feed.

4. Use Google Analytics
Google Analytics tracks traffic on your Site. You can use it to see where your viewers are coming from, how they browse your Site, and more. To install it on your Cargo Site, see this article.

5. Submit your Site to Google
To let Google know about your Site, submit it here: http://www.google.com/addurl

Do not pay for SEO services or search engine submission. SEO services attempt to artificially inflate your page rank, which is ultimately harmful.